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Tuesday 16 September 2014

Wedding Dress-Up

Three years ago, almost all my dreams came true, when I married my amazing man. 9.5 months later, they were completely filled, as we welcomed our beautiful daughter into the world.

To celebrate remembering that fantastically fun day, and the fact that my two year old is already more than half my height, I gave her my wedding dress to try on. Any excuse to play with it! 
Handmade by my talented dressmaker Mother in Law, it is so beautiful, and was incredibly comfortable. She even put a pocket into it. 

Penn's ever present companion, RaaRaa, was delighted to find he could join in. Squeezing his big booty into the replica dress. 

My bouquet was made by my mum and I. Felt and crocheted flowers, together with broaches and jewelry gifted to me by friends and family. Penny particularly loved the little handmade spider, one of my bridesmaids gave me at my bridal shower, for luck. (So far, that spider has been doing it's job!) 

My shoes were chosen long before I was engaged, and the lace colour for my dress chosen to compliment the shoes. At the time, I thought they were incredibly practical, I would wear them all the time. Summer dresses, leather leggings and jeans would ALL go. I was used to dancing in 4 inch heels, so walking in nearly 6 inches would be easy peasy. Little did I know, I would be pregnant a month later (thank you lucky spider). Converse and Ugg boots became part of my pregnancy uniform. 

(I'd like to take this opportunity to formally apologise to my husband, who married a burlesque dancer. He's been living in an eternal pajama party ever since.... Oh so cosy, but cath kidsen brushed cotton isn't exactly a diamote nipple tassel! )

So, although these shoes haven't had much wear, I think I've found someone who will be happy to inherit them one day 

The last three years have been perfect. Our plans for all aspects of our relationship, parenting, home, careers and finally fun are very exciting. We enjoy every day together and feel so blessed. Especially as we have this crazy stylish little lady focusing us on what matters every single day. 

Saturday 13 September 2014

Wild Darlings Mocc love!

Little baby toes deserve the sweetest shoes. Penn has, by association, and maybe genetics, my love for shoesies! She has lots. Not as many as me, (it's not a competition...if it was, I'm still winning) but she has 30 years to catch up I guess. 

Somehow despite all the shoe buying, we had never bought moccs. I've no idea how, or why. EVERY kid on instagram has moccs and I love them. So, even though I don't enter too many brand rep searches, when Wild Darlings ran a competition to find brand reps and enthusiasts, I tagged some of P's photos. 

A few days later, Wild Darlings had kindly selected her as an enthusiast and a few weeks later her first pair arrived in the post. 

To make the delivery extra fun, fairies who live in the house at the bottom of the garden helped celebrate their arrival, by making a flower circle. It made a change from our slightly overweight, stubbly and ALWAYS grumpy postman handing over the box. One little girl was very excited. 

Fairies aka Wild Darlings leave a surprise in a flower circle
The most beautiful shimmering gold moccs

I chose gold, or Carousel style, as they are called. They are beautiful. Soft leather with a shimmer that shines in the sun (thus making it hard for my lame photography skills to capture properly)
They came packaged up with string and are now definitely one of our favourite things (are you singing along? Sorry!) 

Penn loves them, they help her run "very fast" apparently and we have already ordered a few more pairs. 

An early morning run in a tutu, crown and her new moccs

New season Beau Loves 

I am such a sucker for themes, colour, and little projects. Mackenzie, designer and creator of these gorgeous moccs is totally on the same level. She launches a 'mocc of the week' every Monday, giving a discount on that style. (Yay for discounts!) 
My absolute favourite thing about Wild Darlings as a business though, is that her moccs come out as collections. There has been the Disney Princess Collection, the Neverland Collection. (Oh yes, we are talking Peter Pan and TINKERBELL....) And the ones we went a little crazy for, The Sons of Anarchy Collection. Skulls, and leather and a motorcycle vibe.....what could be cooler? 

To choose a size, you measure your child's foot in inches, and buy that size. This means they fit perfectly with a little 'wiggle room'. For such beautifully handcrafted moccs, I am incredibly impressed by how reasonable they are. Her prices are fantastic. 

Peter Pan from The Neverland Collection

Beauty from The Neverland Collection

Jax from The Sons of Anarchy Collection

As a brand enthusiast, I do not need to even slightly stretch the truth, or fake any sort of excitement for having found this brand. They are gorgeous, creative, beautifully made and incredibly soft moccs, at an excellent price. They are certainly shoes for putting on the shelf, not in the wardrobe when they aren't being worn. What more could any adorable little kid want? 

Hurry over to Wild Darlings to buy a pair, or four! 

(I'll let you in on a little secret: The next few weeks will be Halloween style collections) 

Monday 1 September 2014

Competition Time!

I sort of just fell off the face of the blogging world there for a while.


However, Penn has a new bed, and seems to (*shock*) actually like being in it, so my evenings are back. I've a bit of catching up to do with how #colourbythewall went! 

Until then though, please enter my #citybythewall competition on Instagram. It's the first of a few I'm going to run during the month of September. 

This gorgeous necklace is by Maxi at IheartDublin. I adore mine. Wearing a little piece of this beautiful city around my neck. So, whether you live here, have been here, and fallen in love with our city, or want to visit, this piece is just perfection. 

The rules are on my IG account. 

UPDATE: Thank you to everyone who entered. Congratulations to Meowkristen. Your Iheartdublin is on the way. 

Anyone who would like to purchase their own necklace, please visit

The next giveaway will be one for the kids in our lives...keep an eye on my Instagram profile!