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Monday 1 September 2014

Competition Time!

I sort of just fell off the face of the blogging world there for a while.


However, Penn has a new bed, and seems to (*shock*) actually like being in it, so my evenings are back. I've a bit of catching up to do with how #colourbythewall went! 

Until then though, please enter my #citybythewall competition on Instagram. It's the first of a few I'm going to run during the month of September. 

This gorgeous necklace is by Maxi at IheartDublin. I adore mine. Wearing a little piece of this beautiful city around my neck. So, whether you live here, have been here, and fallen in love with our city, or want to visit, this piece is just perfection. 

The rules are on my IG account. 

UPDATE: Thank you to everyone who entered. Congratulations to Meowkristen. Your Iheartdublin is on the way. 

Anyone who would like to purchase their own necklace, please visit

The next giveaway will be one for the kids in our lives...keep an eye on my Instagram profile! 

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